A New World at the Entrance to Jerusalem

The Challenge
The Jerusalem Entrance Square (“City Gate”) plan was launched in 2014 as part of a government decision, in a national partnership of the Jerusalem Municipality, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Israel Land Authority, and the Eden and Moriah corporations, with an investment of over NIS 1.4 billion. The program’s goal is to bring about a significant change at the entrance to the city, a transformation that will grow employment and the economy in Jerusalem and its environs. The Square is a mixed-use design that totals 1.2 million square meters; at its heart is located the largest and most integrated transportation center in Israel (Navon Station, Israel Railways, 3 light rail lines, Jerusalem Central Bus Station, 2,600 meters of bicycle paths, and more). In order for such a plan to optimally take shape, a strategy for the realization and implementation of the planning is required, including marketing and branding, programs for public and cultural buildings, and project management from A to Z vis-à-vis leading real estate developers and investors, public sector entities and other stakeholders. We at build were hired to lead the change, working over time with the various parties to turn the plan into reality.
Our Role
Our activity included a multi-year strategic plan for marketing and branding the Quarter, and a precise definition of the target participants at the various stages of the project’s life. The strategy was broken down into a multi-year work plan with a wide range of activities that complement one holistic and powerful process. These included, inter alia: branding tools, 3D illustrations, creation of a virtual reality version (“digital twin”), formulation of a system of benefits and incentives, marketing of real estate tenders, establishment of a visitor observation post over the course of the project, an array of meetings and tours with entrepreneurs and investors, large-scale marketing and advertising moves, programs for public and cultural buildings, branding of the area, content and communication plans, and more.
The Impact
- Successful very large-scale real estate tenders and connecting the Quarter’s creation to Israel’s leading developers, including Ashtrom, Amot and Elide, Israel Canada, Besser and JTLV, Shlomo Bronner, and more.
- Significant improvement in the familiarity, perception, and positioning of the Quarter among entrepreneurs, companies, and employees, and the creation of substantial
- Improving the image of the city of Jerusalem in relation to employment, public transportation, and advanced urbanism.
- A branding and marketing process that has become a precedent-setting case study for many local authorities in Israel and abroad.